L’arte danneggia gravemente te e chi ti sta intorno

L’arte danneggia gravemente te e chi ti sta intorno
category Drawing
subject Political / Social, Landscape, Beauty
base 3 cm
height 7 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2024
The pleasure of holding a jewel in our hands leaves the
place to the risk of these drawings potentially breaking at
any moment. Preciousness is linked to fragility. The idea
of “smoking the color” expresses a salvific and poisonous
meaning at the same time. On one side, the vivacity of the
colours suggests a childish and simple joy; on the other
side, it’s precisely the colour which makes a cigarette
even more toxic and destructive. Maybe, if we used these
smoking papers, we would have coloured lips… Maybe, it
is only by burning that art can still shed some light.
The project reflects on the ephemeral aspect of life; it creates a short-circuit in which an object thought to be destroyed, the smoking paper, suddenly becomes a jewel and a precious thing to be preserved over time. From this point of view, the project is an opportunity to reflect on the way we use our time, especially those moments during the day apparently devoid of great interest, such as breaks from work, hesitations, waits, doubts. Present age is characterized by a frenetic transformation; the consequences are tragic because the society is exhausted and deprived of time, the most important and essential resource. So, the project is a way to shed light on those moments which, during the uninterrupted flow of everyday life, can offer illuminations, turning points, or simply anchors through which to temporary pause and reflect.
Luisa Turuani
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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