Fuori dal Trecciato

Fuori dal Trecciato
Fuori dal Trecciato
category Other
subject Political / Social, Landscape, Human figure, Abstract
base 999 cm
height 999 cm
depth 999 cm
year 2015
Fuori dal Trecciato (Weave along)

A relationships project
by Emanuela Baldi, Manuela Mancioppi, Tatiana Villani.

Participatory performance and installation, 2015-in progress.

Fuori dal Trecciato (Weave Along), from 2015, it is a multi-level intervention, a micro-contamination of space, a device to weave mutual knowledge and open the starting place to the city.

The participation made of normal gestures and weaving of industrial textile residues has been open to all.

Hosted in various places, it has changed over time along with the various types of people involved.

The project started in Spring 2015 from the creative exchange among the three artists, who were invited by Artforms ( http://info-artforms.tumblr.com/ ) to develop a site specific artwork for its headquarters in Prato.

Since the very beginning the project activated new relations and collaborations:

Valentina Lapolla, joined the macro artwork with Chincaglierie (Trinket),a sophisticated system that transforms the audio recordings of the participatory experience into vibrations; the art critic Matteo Innocenti wrote the dynamic text Four Easy Pieces, that changes every time the work is exhibited or re-located, thus changed in shape and content.
The artwork and the participatory process represent the intention of the three artists to extend their work from themselves towards the context and the people around them.

They decided to bind, to weave together materials and relations to generate a weft, a physical and emotional plot made by scrap materials and different shapes that as whole will represent the sum of actions, thoughts and stories of the people involved in the “making together” process.

Weave along was a participatory action that produced an installation.

Emanuela Baldi, Manuela Mancioppi, Tatiana Villani were working together for the very first time. They ideated a creative interpersonal and spatial process of relation to bond Interno 8 to the city centre and involve people in mutual exchange. The action lasted several weeks during which artists created a piece made by rags and scraps, all materials coming from local textile industries. People were invited to participate to the action freely.
Tatiana Villani
Artist, Viareggio
Profile Photo
similar works
exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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