How the prize works

Participating in the exibart prize 2021 is the easiest thing in the world!
All you have to do is register on the site and create your personal page.
exibart prize is dedicated to art and all its forms.
The categories allowed are: illustration, drawing, painting, graphics, digital art, performance, sound art, photography, sculpture.
All other art categories not explicitly mentioned are also allowed.

As soon as you have prepared your personal page, you can enter the competition by activating the “ON AIR” button on your page. From this moment on, the jury will evaluate you.

Once you have activated your participation by activating ON AIR on your personal page, there will be no need to do anything else. The jury will monitor the personal pages of the participants by giving a feedback.
Just update, if you want, your personal page.
The artist will be able to enter up to a maximum of 9 works and change them whenever he/she considers it appropriate.

exibart prize is a prize that evaluates the artist and the sum of the work presented.

The artist, in order to make himself better known, can also insert in his page a video presentation, as well as a biographical note. This could be important for the jury, since knowing the artist could help in understanding his work.

To do it, change your profile details and fill in the additional data after registration.

It is likely that the artist’s page will be visited multiple times during the course of the competition. Several times by the same judge or by different judges.

Being active in the community and receiving likes on your work could help reach more visits from galleries and jurors, however does not affect the final decision of the jury.

The final result is calculated on the average of the votes and not on the sum of the votes. So collecting 10 ratings or 100 is mathematically irrelevant to selection.
Those who register for the prize immediately and those who register only at the end have the same chances of winning.
Registering as soon as possible is a way to participate in the award’s side initiatives.

The minimum number of valid judgments will be 10. One for each member of the editorial jury. The sum of 10 positive evaluations out of the 10 expressed leads the artist directly to the final. So any artist could go to the finals at any time during the course of the award.

In the finalists section, in the news section and on exibart’s social media, all the artists in the final will be reported in real time.

Winner selection system

During the course of the prize, the editorial team will select the final artists and publish their names in the special section “The finalists.”
All the final artists will be included in a dedicated digital catalog, entitled “exibart prize 2021” published and distributed by exibart edizioni through its 150,000 digital contacts.

From this selection a new jury composed of curators, collectors, critics, journalists and artists will determine the winner of the exibart prize 2021.

For any clarification:

exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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