exibart prize is an award dedicated to art and all its forms. Specifically, the eligible categories include illustration, drawing, painting, graphics, digital art, performance, sound art, photography, and sculpture. Generally, all other art categories not explicitly mentioned are also accepted.

To participate in exibart prize N4, you must be registered on the exibartprize.com website, publish up to a maximum of 9 artworks on your personal page, and be up-to-date with the registration fee payment.

Art. 1 – PURPOSE

The competition aims to promote contemporary Italian and international art. The award is not given to a specific artwork but is designed to be dedicated to the artist. Therefore, the entire page, including artworks, biography, and any video contributions, will be evaluated.


The award is open to artists of all genres, with no age or qualification limits. The competition does not require the submitted artworks to be unpublished or adhere to a specific style or subject.


The selection process consists of two phases. In the first phase, the jury consists of exibart’s editorial staff, who select the finalists. In the second phase, a new panel of jurors determines the winner of the prize. The artists in the top 10 positions of the final ranking (excluding the winner, who is not allowed to participate again) will have the right to directly access the following year’s finale as invited guests.


exibart prize N4 Winner:

– €10,000 as the acquisition of an artwork chosen by the artist, which will become part of exibart’s collection and will be used for the cover of an issue of exibart onpaper, featuring an in-depth article and an interview with the winner. A withholding tax will be applied to the prize as required by law.
– €5,000 in the form of an advertising bonus that the artist can use, with no expiration date, to promote their exhibitions and events.
– Production and commercialization of an artist multiple.
– The winner will be invited to theme the exibart booth at one of the main art fairs attended by exibart.
– The artist will be featured in the book “222 Emerging Artists to Invest In,” periodically published by exibart editions.
– The winning artist will have an exclusive cover on exibart on Paper for the special edition of one of the main art fairs attended by exibart, including an interview.
– The artwork of the winning artist will be included in the prestigious digital catalog of the finalists, offering unique visibility and the opportunity to be discovered by a wide audience of art enthusiasts.

Benefits for artists ranked in the top positions:

– If you are among the top 10 ranked, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in a prestigious group exhibition organized at the exibart headquarters. This exhibition provides an exceptional platform to showcase your work alongside other talented artists, offering increased visibility and the opportunity to connect with collectors, curators, and industry professionals.
– The top 5 ranked artists will have the opportunity to be featured in ‘222 Emerging Artists to Invest In’..
– If you are among the top 10 ranked your work will be included in the prestigious digital catalog of the finalists, widely distributed online, providing significant visibility for your art.
– If you are among the top 10 ranked: free registration for the next edition of the prize. This allows you to participate in the competition again without any registration fees.

Benefits for all participants:

– A dedicated and indexed page on the exibart prize website, where you can present your artistic work in detail. This page will be easily accessible to visitors, collectors, and industry professionals, offering valuable visibility and promotion opportunities.
– Free subscription to exibart onpaper digital, granting access to exclusive content, articles, reviews, and updates published on the platform. You will always be informed about the latest developments in the world of contemporary art, expanding your knowledge and enriching your artistic experience.
– The opportunity to be interviewed and featured in a special article on exibart.com. This interview provides a privileged platform to share your artistic vision, creative process, and influences, allowing art enthusiasts to discover your work in depth and engage with it.
– A dedicated editorial space on Exibart, where you can present your artistic work in detail. This space offers a privileged platform to express your creative vision, share your experiences, and connect with a passionate art audience. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your voice and talent.


Registrations for the prize are allowed until 23:59:59 on March 15, 2024.
Artworks can be submitted until 23:59:59 on March 31, 2024.
By June 30, 2024, the expert jury will announce the winner of exibart prize N4.
By September 30, 2024, the digital catalog of exibart prize, containing all the finalists, will be published.


Online registration: Submission of the artwork, texts, captions, payment, etc., occurs within the personal account on the website.
The participation fee for exibart prize N4 is €122.00.
For students of academies and art schools, the registration fee is €61.00. In this case, it is necessary to specify the school attended so that it can be verified by the prize secretariat.
exibart reserves the right to modify the registration fee for the ongoing prize at its sole discretion and to apply different prices for different categories of participants. Furthermore, if deemed necessary, exibart reserves the right to postpone the closing date of the prize.


All payments must be made in euros, with no costs or commissions borne by exibart. Please specify the artist’s first name and last name as registered in the payment description.

Online with PayPal
Directly from the website in the registration area.

Bank Transfer
Payable to Exibartlab srl. Banco di Sardegna SPA

IBAN: IT05 K010 1503 2000000 7071 8411


In the case of payment by bank transfer, although the order is pending until the payment is received, the account will be immediately active, and you can start entering your profile details and artworks without further communication.


The artworks of the winning artist that will be acquired by exibartlab will be transported at the expense of exibartlab.


The artists retain the rights to the images of the artworks submitted online but grant exibartlab permission to use them for communication and promotion purposes, such as creating the prize catalog, promotional materials associated with the prize, and publishing them on exibartlab websites.
The person or organization submitting the application on the website is fully responsible for the contents of the visual and textual materials submitted and transmitted on the Prize website. The organization reserves the right to remove defamatory or obscene texts or images unless formally justified by the artist. The images of the artworks submitted to the Prize will remain visible online or in use as part of the complete visual documentation of the Prize’s activities and cannot be removed.
The candidate expressly authorizes exibartlab, as well as their direct delegates, to process the personal data of the participating artist in accordance with the law 675/96 (“Privacy Law”) and subsequent amendments D.lgs.

196/2003 (Privacy Code), including for inclusion in databases managed by the aforementioned individuals. Any disputes will be handled in Italy and in accordance with Italian law. Personal data, images of the prize artworks and/or other artworks submitted on the website, or films/videos shot by the Organization during an event to promote the artists and themselves, for web promotion, communication, or marketing, may be used by the Organization without necessarily requiring consent from the parties.
exibartlab srl reserves the right to make changes to the announcement if necessary.

exibart prize N4
is conceived and organized by exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Rome

For information, contact

exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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