I fotografi – viaggio reportage del Marocco

I fotografi – viaggio reportage del Marocco
category Video
subject Travels
tags teoria degli insiemi, sistema, Marocco, fotografi
minutes 5
seconds 18
year 2013
Who photographs who? - For example, a queue has a characteristic and particular spatial organization, it has boundaries, and whoever wants to be a member of the queue must respect these boundaries otherwise he will not be considered as an effective member of the queue, and therefore cannot hold a "place" in it . If a person is too far to the side or too far behind the person next to them, doubts may arise as to whether they are in the queue, so the participants must unite in maintaining a certain spatial arrangement and this must be done through a certain type of interaction which can be considered for all intents and purposes as governed by a commonly held focal point of attention. This focal point is rarely formulated as such, it is not treated as the plot of an interaction. However, it is something that all members of the queue pay attention to, and it is easy to observe how they cooperate to ensure that it is maintained. It would not be correct to say that a queue is a focused grouping, yet we cannot deny that, at least in terms of spatial and orientational maneuvers, what occurs is a type of focused interaction.
Artist, Guidonia
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