To be enrolled in the exibart prize now allows you to have an even larger space!

In addition to the 9 works in competition, you will be able to manage all of your artistic production:

  • Organize it by sections

  • Organize it by periods

All participants in the prize will have a dedicated email to contact for consultations and answers regarding their artistic activities on legal, tax, and commercial matters.

The same email can be used to send press releases about exhibitions and activities carried out by the artist. These will be sent to our editorial team, which will evaluate their possible publication on

To access the service, click on the “Talk to Us” menu item. If you are already enrolled in the prize, you can request consultations or send your press releases.

Prizes and Benefits

Prizes and Benefits for the Winner

6,000.00 euros for the acquisition of a work of the artist’s choice, which will be added to the exibart collection and used for the cover of an issue of exibart onpaper, featuring an in-depth article and an interview with the winner. A withholding tax will be applied at the source, as required by law.
5,000.00 euros as an advertising bonus that the artist can use, with no expiration date, to promote their exhibitions and events.
Production and marketing of an artist’s multiple.
The winner will be invited to theme the exibart booth at one of the major art fairs where exibart participates.
The artist will have the opportunity to be featured in the book “222 Emerging Artists to Invest In,” published periodically by exibart edizioni.
The artist will be featured on the exclusive cover of exibart onpaper in a special edition presented at one of the major art fairs where exibart participates, including an interview.
The winning artist’s work will be included in the prestigious digital catalog of finalists, offering unique visibility and the opportunity to be discovered by a wide audience of art enthusiasts.

Prize for the 2nd Place

3,000.00 euros for the acquisition of a work of the artist’s choice, which will be added to the exibart collection. A withholding tax will be applied to the prize amount as required by law.

Prize for the 3rd Place

1,000.00 euros for the acquisition of a work of the artist’s choice, which will be added to the Exibart collection. A withholding tax will be applied to the prize amount as required by law.

Benefits for artists ranked in the top positions

The top 5 ranked artists will have the opportunity to be featured in “222 Emerging Artists to Invest In.”
If you are among the top 10 ranked, your work will be included in the prestigious digital catalog of finalists, which will be widely distributed online and provide a significant platform for visibility for your art.
If you are among the top 10 ranked, you will receive free registration for the next edition of the prize. This will allow you to participate again in the competition without having to pay any registration fees.

Benefits for all participants

You will have a dedicated and carefully indexed page on the exibart prize website, where you can showcase your artistic work in detail. This page will be easily accessible to visitors, collectors, and industry professionals, providing you with a valuable opportunity for visibility and promotion.
You will receive a free subscription to exibart onpaper digital, allowing you to access all exclusive content, articles, reviews, and updates published on the platform. You will stay informed about the latest developments in the world of contemporary art, expanding your knowledge and enriching your artistic experience.
You will have the opportunity to be interviewed and featured in a special article on This interview will provide you with a privileged platform to share your artistic vision, creative process, and influences, allowing art enthusiasts to discover your work in a thorough and engaging manner.
You will have a dedicated editorial space reserved on Exibart, where you will have the opportunity to present your artistic work in a detailed and comprehensive manner. This space will provide a privileged platform to express your creative vision, share your experiences, and connect with an enthusiastic art audience. It will be a unique opportunity to showcase your voice and talent.
Dedicated web information line

exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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