category Sculpture
subject Abstract
base 480 cm
height 240 cm
depth 240 cm
year 2024
Sinuous, vital, spiral-shaped, Evolution immediately evokes an idea of ​​dynamism, of development without interruption. An obvious reference to the context for which this site-specific work was conceived, namely the renewal of the urban space of Imperia due to the construction of the cycle path along the route of the old railway line. The movement of the tracks and the construction of the mountain station represented a notable change, demonstrating how the city, like any organism, changes its appearance with the passage of time and contingent situations. In designing this work, Igor Grigoletto rightly renounced his usual geometric shapes to make his other linguistic characteristic, the sign, the protagonist: usually traced on the perfectly smooth surfaces of his mirrors, the three-dimensionality of the sculpture amplifies the artist's most emotional and lyrical voice. According to iconological tradition, the spiral in fact symbolizes a path of evolution: no other title could summarize the sense of an invitation to travel (physically and metaphorically) within a city.
Claudia Andreotta, art historian
Iron 1 cm thick enameled with recomponent enamels. Placement of public work on the Imperia cycle path
Igor Grigoletto
Artist, Castellaro
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
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