Polacos Party

Polacos Party
Polacos Party
category Performance
subject Political / Social
minutes 0
seconds 0
year 2021
Explaining to Poland the Spanish nationalists' habit of referring to Catalans, as a slur, as «polacos» (Polish people) I suggested to people belonging to various marginalized Polish collectives the idea of embracing the insult as their own identity: a significant void, a word lacking a concrete meaning yet, that could unite collectives. «Polacos.» A new intersectionality, maybe… with its own flag and celebration day. So I convened and coordinated a set of activities, a Polacos Party over the course of a day, within the framework of the thirtieth edition of the Malta Festival in Poznan, Poland.
Ortésia Cabrera
Artist, Amposta
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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