Fracture Video

Fracture Video
category Video
subject Abstract, Architecture
tags #skyline, #Brooklyn Bridge, #artistaamericana, #artistaitaliana, #Venezia, #Venice, #ponte, #bridge, #search,, #italianartist, #americanartist, #NYC, #Fracture, #rottura, #verticalita', #ricerca, #unione, #orizzontale, #verticale, #vertical , #horizontal
minutes 3
seconds 58
year 2016
Video with performance of the artist who "fractures" the verticality in gold marker.
The video represents the true narrative of the work "Fracture" which becomes gestural and physical and comes to life only after observing the video. After "Fracture" the artist ranges between vertical and horizontal without borders, in search of a new dimension that can contain everything.

Video Acrylic on cotton canvas

"Fracture" is a moment of rupture of the internal verticality formed in the vortex of living. The fracture happens when the union of our inner worlds finally occurs and the awareness that we need all of our dimensions together to grow and evolve. The word "fracture" and its synonyms cut the verticality of the artist's place of being, creating an indissoluble union between her two worlds.
Antonella Mason
Artist, Venice
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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