Bekim Hasaj

Profile picture of Bekim Hasaj
´Sebbene ora il mio approccio di ricerca sia interdisciplinare, aperto e pronto a sperimentare al di fuori del mio campo di studi primario, rimango fortemente legato allo studio del colore, del segno e  della pittura.

La mia ricerca artistica, mettendo in discussione la rappresentazione del contenuto e accantonando il figurativo, si concentra sugli elementi fondamentali e costitutivi di un'opera pittorica: colori, forme, gesti, spazio e supporto.  Il processo del ‘fare’ ricopre una parte fondamentale nel procedimento e creazione del lavoro. Come viene trattata e usata la materia, cambiata e impressa in uno spazio che diviene quasi scultoreo, guidato dall’improvvisazione e intuito.  Un approccio che trova similitudine con il ´Process Art´ ma che non si definisce come tale.

In una visione più ampia, miro alla comprensione della genesi della creazione artistica per poterla applicare e sperimentare in diverse categorie, discipline, mezzi, o linguaggi. Per questo motivo, mi sono trovato a sperimentare con la video arte, l'installazione, la scultura, la performance e così via. Mi interessano le multi-dimensioni che questi mezzi possono toccare, cercando sempre di farlo dal mio punto di partenza: la pittura.  Nella mia ricerca emergono spesso delle riflettessioni in termini di coesistenza, visibile e non, conosciuta e sconosciuta, che vedo come una parabola del mio processo di creazione artistica.

Il mio percorso artistico è stato segnato dal disegno e dalla pittura già in giovane età, per poi proseguire con la ‘classica’ formazione accademica durante il liceo artistico e nei primi anni dell’università, fino a quando mi sono aperto ai multi-linguaggi dell’arte contemporanea incontrati e sperimentati in età più matura. Infatti, con sguardo retrospettivo, si nota un’espressione figurativa legata alla tecniche pittoriche, dove la figura umana e l´autoritratto sono temi ricorrenti nella mia produzione. Tematiche legate a un profondo sentimento esistenziale interconnesso all’essere umano, che ancora oggi è presente in me e nella mia ricerca. Negli ultimi anni dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera è avvenuta la rottura con il ‘figurativo’ e la rappresentazione intesa come tale, aprendomi verso una coscienza maggiore su colore e forma. Dinamiche che si fanno notare sia nella composizione, che nell’uso dei materiali, esteriorizzandosi in forme più plastiche che iniziano un nuovo dialogo con lo spazio in cui vengono realizzate, o installate. Il superamento della ´classica´ tela bidimensionale (da dipingere) ha segnato per me un punto di non ritorno, aprendomi dimensioni che vanno al di là della propria disciplina di studio; sottolineando ancora una volta un rifiuto totale della rappresentazione illustrativa in relazione al supporto e alla sua presupposta forma e piattezza. Lo stesso accade al contenuto, che viene messo in discussione e riconcepito attraverso il processo del ‘fare’, e non dalla mera rappresentazione figurativa all'interno dell'opera d'arte.  

Al momento sto cercando un dialogo più stretto tra oggetto d'arte e ambiente circostante, tra colore, spazio e concetto, alla ricerca di un nuovo equilibrio artistico.´



CV summary:

Born in Bajram Curri, Albania, 1990. Currently based in Bergö - Malax, Finland.



2010–2014: Bachelor degree in Painting from Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan (Italy), obtained a score of 110/110, with the thesis Tutte le facce dell’Io. 

2005–2009: Diploma from J. Misja High School of Art, Tirana (Albania), obtained a score of 10/10 in Painting.



Artist residency curated by Artist Residency Swap & Finnish Institute in UK and Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, March 2022.
Upcoming residency:
Moskosel Creative Lab, Moskosel, Sweden, 2024.


Svensk-Österbottniska Samfundet (SÖS), project grant, 'Translucid Skins - vibrations of us', 2023-2024; Eugène, Elisabeth och Birgit Nygréns stiftelse, project grant, exhibition, 2023; Bröderna Gröndahls Stiftelse, project grant, exhibition, 2023; Närpes City Cultural Grant, project grant, mural opening event, 2023; Svensk-Österbottniska Samfundet (SÖS), project grant, public art, 2022; Svenska Kulturfonden, travel grant, 2022; Taiteen edistämiskeskus-Taike, working grant (two months), 2022; Svenska Kulturfonden, project grant, exhibitions promotion, 2022; Bröderna Gröndahls Stiftelse, project grant, installation - public art, 2022; Svenska Kulturfonden - Frans Henriksson fond, developement project, public art, 2022; Svensk-Österbottniska Samfundet (SÖS), project grant, exhibitions promotion, 2021-2022; Vaasa City Cultural Grantproject grant, installation - public art, 2021; Svenska Kulturfonden, project grant, installation - public art, 2021; Svenska Kulturfonden, working grant, project Scanning Landscape, 2021; Svenska Kulturfonden, project grant, art space - exhibitions, 2020; Vaasa City Cultural Grant, project grant, art space maintenance, 2020.


EXHIBITIONS (selection):
'Dripping Cavities', duo exhibition, coordinator Silvia Rinne, Vaasa City Art Gallery (Finland, November 2023-January 2024); Collision FestivalCollision Art Collective, Gammal Brandkårshuset (Jakobstad, Finland, May 2023); Yö Fest vol.3 ´Video Makasiini', Yö Galleria (Helsinki, Finland, March-May 2023); Finnish Painters' Association Sales Event at Cable Factory (Helsinki, Finland, March 2023); 'Dripping Cavities’, duo exhibition, curator Anni Fahler, Galleria Albert IX (Helsinki, Finland, January 2023); 'New Beginnings' Festival, Malakta Art Factory (Malax, Finland, September 2022); Konstrundan 2022, Malakta Art Factory (Malax, Finland, September 2022); 'Offside #1', Offside, curator Marcus Lerviks, pop-up space in Varastokatu 6, 65100 Vaasa (Finland, May-June 2022); 'RINart', Tirana International Contemporary Festival, VIZart, National Historical Museum & COD (Tirana, Albania, May 2022); Finnish Painters' Association Art Fair, online & at Cable Factory (Helsinki, Finland, February-April 2022); Pasila Urban Art Center (Helsinki, Finland, March-April 2022); 'Dripping Cavities', duo exhibition, Makers' Gallery (Vaasa, Finland, December 2021); 'Challanging the Support', G.A.P.-Globe Art Point (Helsinki, Finland, November-December 2021); Konstrundan 2021, online exhibition 'Virtual Walls? Virtual Murals¿' by Black Box Genesis / Open studio, Malakta art Factory (Malax, Finland, September 2021); 'The Body Lenguage', Itsliquid Group, at The ROOM Contemporary Art Space and Palazzo Albrizzi Capello (Venice, Italy, March 2021); Konstrundan 2020, open studio, Black Box Genesis (Vaasa, Finland, September 2020); 'Wall Mania', Black Box Genesis art space (Vaasa, Finalnd, 2020); 'Terminal', curator Stefano Monti, Sale Agello (Crema, Italy, December 2019); 'Who I Am', VIZart International Biennal 2019 of Self-portrait, National Historical Museum (Tirana, Albania, September 2019); 'Untitled', solo exhibition, Black Box Genesis art space (Vaasa, Finland, April-May 2019); 'Le Forme Dell'Uomo', curator Giuliana Nuvoli, La Casa delle Artiste (Milan, Italy, November 2018); 'Le Bestie di Brera', collective La FaretraSala Birolli (Verona, Italy, September 2018).
Current Exhibition:
Yicca Art Prize 23/24, curators Massimo Toffolo & Margherita Jedrzejewska, Luciana Matalon Foundation (Milan, Italy, January 2024).

‘Awake’ mural painting for D.P.A.R.A. pilot (Övermark, Finland, April-June 2023); 'Unfolding thoughts - Requiem of a phoenix', public art installation for 'Book - the Lafkan project' (Vaasa City Library, Finland, 2021-22); 'Click', mural painting for WIC-Wasa Innovation Center (Vaasa, Finland, August-September 2021 / June 2022 ); 'Mural Rural' Festival 2021, selected artist, Art in Malakta rf (Malax, Finland,  autumn 2020, postpone to spring 2021); Vaasa Arts Night 2020, mural painting for the 30° anniversary (Finland, August 2020); Vaasa Arts Night 2019, art installation 'Glitch - sorry, there is interference' (Finland, August 2019); 'Burning Art' Festival 2018, performance 'Deep Smoke', Malkta Art Factory (Malax, Finland, September 2018); Vaasa Arts Night 2018, performance 'Living Painting', Black Box Genesis art space (Vaasa, Finland, August 2018); Creation of sacred painting 'La Madre Nostra' in collaboration with Fondazione Michetti and the Academy of Fine Art of Brera (Italy, 2013-2014).

BIBLIOGRAPHY (selection)

'Yicca 23/24', International Contest of Contemporary Art, digital and printed catalog, publisher - Aps MOHO (1st December 2023); Interview by Elsa Barbieri about 'Dripping Cavities' exhibition, Exibart, 12 November 2023; '222 Artisti emergenti su cui investire / 2024', book, curator Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, publisher - Exibart (Rome, Italy, 12th October 2023); 'Exibart Prize 2022-23', finalists' digital catalog, publisher - Exibart (27th July 2023); Offside #1, online exhibition archive (May 2022); ‘RINart’, Tirana Contemporary Art Festival, exhibition catalog, publisher - VIZart (Tirana, Albania, May 2022); Globe Art Point online exhibition archive (17th December 2021); Article about 'Mural Rural' Festival by Clara Amodeo, Another Scratch In The Wall (Milan, Italy, 31st August 2021); Interview and online article by Luca Curci, Itsliquid Group (8th April 2021); Interview and photo documentation about 'Growing' mural painting, 'Mural Rural' project, for the Vaasa Museum Archive by Silvia Rinne (Vaasa, Finland, May 2021); Interview and photo documentation about Vaasa Arts Night Mural Painting for the Vaasa Museum Archive by Silvia Rinne (Vaasa, Finland, September 2020); Participation in the television program, workshop and interview for Yle Strömsö (Finland, October 2020); Interview, article and video documentation by Vaasa City cultural department, about the Mural for Vaasa Arts Night 2020 (Vaasa, Finland, 1st September 2020); Radio interview and article by Yle cultural section (Vaasa, Ostrobothnia, Finland, 31st July 2020); 'Who I Am', VIZart International Biennale 2019 of Self-portrait, exhibition catalog, publisher - VIZart (Tirana, Albania, September 2019); Video documentation by Crem@online and article by Cultura Crema about 'Terminal' group exhibition (Crema, Italy, December 2019)​

'Public Art in Rural Areas', Ostrobothnian Regional Museum's Cultural Blog (Vaasa, Finland, 2nd May 2023).

August 2023 – Present, Artists' Association of Finland - Artist Register;
August 2023 – Present, Member of Suomen Taideyhdistys  (Finland);
April 2023 – Present, Board Member of Globe Art Point ry (Finland);
November 2022 – Present, Member of Yö ry (Finland);
February 2022 – Present, Artists Bank of Rakennustieto rts sr;
January 2022 – Present, Member of Finnish Painters' Union ry (Finland);
February 2021 – Present, Full Member of Globe Art Point ry (Finland);
January 2021 – Present, Client of Kuvasto ry Visual Arts' Copyright Society (Finland);

WORK EXPERIENCE (selection)​
October 2023 – Present: Art director of the publication on the History of Malakta, in collaboration with Art in Malakta rf, working group: Heidi von Wright and Magdalena Lindroos.
August 2021 – Present: Co-manager of Black Box Genesis art space (online and pop-up events).
May 2018 – Present: Black Box Genesis Co-founder as Visual Artist, Creative Freelancer & Cultural worker. Visual artists and visual art experts | Organisation of exhibition and cultural events | Planning and management of projects, including long-term ones | Collaborations

October – November 2023: Guest teacher at Novia University to hold the course Ateljestudier 7, for second-year visual art students. The position is shared with colleague Valentina Gelain (Jakobstad, Finland).
September – October 2022: Manager of Mural Rural project and Assistant Curator of New Beginnings Festival exhibition by Art in Malakta rf (Malax, Finland).
October – November 2021: Art Course at Malakta Art Factory (Malax, Finalnd).
April 2020 – August 2021: Co-organizer and Artists Coordinator of Mural Rural Festival for Art in Malakta rf  (Malax, Finland).
June 2018 – July 2021: Co-manager of Black Box Genesis art space (Vaasa, Finland).
23rd September 2020: Guest Artist in Yle Strömsö for an episode on the monotype technique (Vaasa, Finland), | article.

2014–2017: Freelance Artist (Milan, Italy).
2011–2014: Assistant for Remo Salvadori (Milan, Italy).

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