La collaborazione tra gli artisti Andrea Dal Molin e Fabrizio Milani inizia nel 2019. Il loro lavoro si basa sulla volontà comune di creare uno spazio ludico in cui le dinamiche che plasmano l’ambiente urbano si mescolano con quelle domestiche. Questa zona di confine diventa il luogo dove generare interventi che tentano di riappropriarsi del precostruito per restituire una realtà giocabile.
The collaboration between artists Andrea Dal Molin and Fabrizio Milani began in 2019. Their work is based on the common desire to create a playful space where the dynamics that shape the urban environment are mixed with domestic ones. This border zone becomes the place where to generate interventions that attempt to reappropriate the preconstructed to return a playable reality.
The collaboration between artists Andrea Dal Molin and Fabrizio Milani began in 2019. Their work is based on the common desire to create a playful space where the dynamics that shape the urban environment are mixed with domestic ones. This border zone becomes the place where to generate interventions that attempt to reappropriate the preconstructed to return a playable reality.