IT. Sono un’artista visiva dedicata a esplorare il profondo legame tra l’umanità e l’ambiente attraverso l’arte. Dalle installazioni immersive alle performance, creo opere che fungono da catalizzatori per la consapevolezza e la trasformazione. Utilizzo esclusivamente tessuti naturali tinti con pigmenti vegetali, che rappresentano il mio impegno per il rispetto della natura e la promozione della sostenibilità ambientale. Integrando solidi fondamenti scientifici tramite QR code e approfondimenti, offro al pubblico l’opportunità di ampliare la conoscenza e tradurla in azioni concrete. I miei spazi espositivi offrono esperienze immersive che permettono al pubblico di connettersi profondamente con un messaggio di responsabilità e impegno. Il mio obiettivo è riconoscere la nostra interdipendenza con questo Pianeta, invitando a immaginare un futuro basato sulla collaborazione e il rispetto come pilastri fondamentali delle nostre azioni.
EN. I’m a visual artist dedicated to exploring the profound connection between humanity and the environment through art. From immersive installations to performances, I create artwork that acts as a catalysts for awareness and transformation. I work exclusively with natural fabrics dyed using plant-based pigments, representing my unwavering commitment to honouring nature and advocating for environmental sustainability. By integrating solid scientific foundations through QR codes and in-depth explanations, I offer the audience the opportunity to expand their knowledge and translate it into tangible actions. My exhibition spaces provide immersive experiences that allow the public to connect with a message of responsibility and commitment. I aim to acknowledge our interdependence with this planet, inviting people to envision a future based on collaboration and respect as fundamental pillars of our actions.
EN. I’m a visual artist dedicated to exploring the profound connection between humanity and the environment through art. From immersive installations to performances, I create artwork that acts as a catalysts for awareness and transformation. I work exclusively with natural fabrics dyed using plant-based pigments, representing my unwavering commitment to honouring nature and advocating for environmental sustainability. By integrating solid scientific foundations through QR codes and in-depth explanations, I offer the audience the opportunity to expand their knowledge and translate it into tangible actions. My exhibition spaces provide immersive experiences that allow the public to connect with a message of responsibility and commitment. I aim to acknowledge our interdependence with this planet, inviting people to envision a future based on collaboration and respect as fundamental pillars of our actions.