Marc Giloux

Profile picture of Marc Giloux
Marc Giloux is a French artist, who is living and working in Venice, Italy. Today, painting is his main.
In recent years exhibitions and performances are produced in institutional setting in Europe, Asia and Canada (Biennale di Venezia 2009, Viva Action Montréal 2011, Month of Performance Berlin 2012, tpa Torino 2013, Imma Dublin 2014, Gallery Epice South Korea 2021, Larnaca Biennale Cyprus 2023,  etc.)

Writing through the book publications (latest issue: Anon, le sujet improbable, notations, etc. by éditions L’Harmattan, Paris (2015) which is a recapitulation about his work)

Since 2016 critical art texts and manager in Les cahiers d’art de courte-line, french art-magazine on line (

Curator for the exhibition program of the
Musée de l’Ohm in Bologna, Italy (2013-2014), an exhibition about performance art Keep the Process Warm, in Montauban, France (2017), since 2020 he used his studio in Venice as a place of experimentation by inviting artists to develop specific works (SMAG, San Marcuola Atelier Galerie Venezia)

exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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