Diaphanous vibrations

Diaphanous vibrations
Diaphanous vibrations
category Painting
subject Abstract
tags abstract, Encausto
base 70 cm
height 100 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2024
Encaust on canvas
Rosbek, inspired by the luminous palettes of Rothko and the dynamic brushwork of de Kooning, weaves a tapestry of emotion and abstraction. The brushstrokes—energetic, visceral—reveal figures in flux. The woman’s face, like a veiled memory, emerges from layers of pigment. The man, resolute yet elusive, embodies the human struggle.

Following this avant-garde, I tried to imitate Rothko in terms of depth but enhancing the diaphanous effect by applying one of the most sought after ancient recipes on the planet: cold encaustic (Punic wax). The results were satisfactory and will be subjected to restoration laboratories to verify the durability and stability of this technique.
Painter, Silea
Profile Photo
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