Enigma dell’ibrido

Enigma dell’ibrido
Enigma dell’ibrido
category Painting
subject Human figure
tags Olio , resina, transumanesimo, futurismo
base 90 cm
height 120 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2025
Oil resin on canvas
In 'L'enigna dell'ibrido,' the face of a woman reveals itself to the viewer in an intriguing play of contrasts. Her purely human beauty is abruptly interrupted by a portion of the skull, revealing an intricate mechanism of gears and metal. This fusion of flesh and machine evokes a sense of mystery, suggesting an ongoing transformation, a passage towards a new form of existence.

The artist, with precise and detailed brushstrokes, invites us to reflect on the nature of identity and the possibility of overcoming the limits of the human body through technology. The female face, with its serene expression and gaze directed elsewhere, seems to consciously accept this metamorphosis, suggesting a future where man and machine will no longer be separate entities, but rather a unified whole.

The work questions the meaning of 'humanity' in an increasingly technological world, where the boundaries between natural and artificial are becoming increasingly blurred. A work that, with its evocative power, stimulates deep reflection on our future and the relationship between man Enigmand machine.
Painter, Silea
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exibart prize N5
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