Falso ricordo

Falso ricordo
Falso ricordo
category Installation
subject Landscape, Nature, Human figure
tags scultura, memoria, ricordi, albumfotografico, falsoricordo, falsememorie, collage, installazione, pittura, elaborazionedigitale, libro
base 160 cm
height 13 cm
depth 10 cm
year 2020
The mechanism of false memory involves the distorted recollection of a prior memory or, in some cases, the creation of an event that never actually took place. Photographic images from a personal archive were initially manipulated digitally and then subtly enhanced with minimal painterly touches to highlight specific details. By replacing the original colors, a shift occurs from the real starting image, echoing the elusive nature of false memories. This work aims to spotlight the contrast between the mental image of a memory and the one captured by the camera, building a visual narrative around the concept of false memory.
Graziella Romeo
Artist, Reggio Calabria
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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