Il Nostro Pane Quotidiano

Il Nostro Pane Quotidiano
Il Nostro Pane Quotidiano
category Installation
subject Political / Social
tags pollution, uomo, Microplastiche, antropocentrismo, Microplastica, plastica, Inquinamento, Pane, microplastics
base 30 cm
height 15 cm
depth 25 cm
year 2023
"Il Nostro Pane Quotidiano" in English"Our Daily Bread draws inspiration from the belief that our food is the result of humanity's actions and inactions.

This bread represents the food we contribute to create and now incorporate into ourselves.
In this creation, we become what we eat and at the same time what we used, embodying water, flour, and, inevitably, plastic.

The artwork invites us to reflect on the complex interaction between humanity and its "indelible" waste, challenging us to examine our impact on the environment and on our very being through a sensorial and visual experience. A reflection on our contemporary existence imbued with plastic.

Scalable installation with a table set with homemade bread with sourdough and plastic waste.
Artist, Milan
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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