Languishing 01

Languishing 01
Languishing 01
category Photography
subject Nude, Human figure
tags arte contemporanea, rinascita, covid 19, donne, donna, corpi femminili, spiritualità, corpo, anima, doppia esposizione, women, fine art, fine-art, fotografia concettuale
base 126 cm
height 83 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2020
"Languishing," a project born during the Covid-19 pandemic, unfolds as an inner journey, an invocation to shed the chains of uncertainty and plunge into the deepest recesses of existence. The technique of double exposure serves as a potent tool, weaving a tapestry between the ethereal soul, symbolized by the reassuring Blue, the color of calmness and tranquility, and the body bearing the weight of time and its challenges. In this evocative visual dialogue, myriad emotional nuances merge into a singular capture, offering a privileged glimpse into the very essence of humanity. It is an opportunity for rebirth, an invitation to release the emotions dormant within, poised to awaken and reclaim their space in the echo of time. It is the moment to transcend the barriers of the soul, to embrace change with courage, and surrender to one's deepest authenticity. This project aims to convey the life force residing within us, to rediscover the most authentic essence of the self, trusting in the courage of the mature self, projected towards a future of hope, already immersed in the normalcy that preceded the pandemic.

- Technique: Double Exposure
- Medium: Print on Canson Arches 88 cotton paper mounted on 2 mm Dibond panel
- Edition: 10
- Natural wood frame, 2 cm thick
- Certificate of authenticity signed by the author
Antonio Schiavano
Photographer, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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