
category Installation
subject Human figure
tags sitespecific, figuraumana, gabbiadoro, gessopatinato, ramidinocciolo
base 230 cm
height 30 cm
depth 70 cm
year 2024
Mimesis as a mirror, looking at yourself in Nature and finding the meaning of our essence.
In our relationship with Nature, respecting its rules, perhaps, we will be able to achieve a purification of the soul.
Finding that balance, now lost, between the human and the natural.
We are nature, a part of it, we must not suffocate it but together find a breath
Man entrenches himself in his golden cage unaware that the force of nature is a thousand times greater...
A sculpture of 162x50x20 cm made of plaster and patinated with tar is placed on a structure of intertwined hazelnut branches painted in gold.
The structure of cm. 220x70x30 concave is in turn placed in a space left free by the roots of a large tree.
Work exhibited for the “Genesi Parallele” event, Botanical Garden of Naples. Edited by Luca Palermo.The whole almost camouflages itself, it comes to life from the bed of leaves that gather, after the autumn fall, in the spaces left free by the ramifications of the roots.
Anna Crescenzi (ACre)
Sculptor, Sarno
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exibart prize N5
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