Per sentito dire
category | Installation |
subject | Architecture, Abstract, Nature |
tags | persentitodire, maiolica, ceramica, porcellana, lacadutadelcielo, scultura, installazione, sound |
base | 500 cm |
height | 180 cm |
depth | 400 cm |
year | 2024 |
Marostica, April 5, 2084
The cannon has broken the sky! The cannon has broken the sky!
The anti-hail cannons, instruments emblematic of human ingenuity, are the engine of an unprecedented catastrophe. An anomalous roar crossed the hills dotted with cherry trees and the sky began to break. Thousands of luminescent fragments broke away from the celestial vault, falling to the ground in a shower of incandescent splinters. Now the sky is a messy mosaic, the scientists observe with dismay what has happened. The shards are collected among the blossoming orchards.
By hearsay it tells of the clumsy presumption of the human being to be able to shape the skies and meteorological phenomena. The dystopian scenario of a broken sky reveals the real contradictions of anthropocentric thought.
Even today, to prevent large-scale fruit crops from being damaged by storms, people boast about using anti-hail cannons that claim to destroy the agglomerates of cold air that cause hail to fall. However, careful studies certainly deny their real function, thus making such objects useless installations that impact the ecosystem that hosts them, both from the point of view of the visual landscape and the acoustic landscape. The title puts hearing in the foreground, and brings with it the idea that the use of such devices is not based on real knowledge, but rather takes advantage of collective beliefs, in turn fueled by the market needs for industrial agricultural production.
Technique: majolica, refractory ceramic, porcelain, oxides, bluetooth speaker. Unique piece.
The cannon has broken the sky! The cannon has broken the sky!
The anti-hail cannons, instruments emblematic of human ingenuity, are the engine of an unprecedented catastrophe. An anomalous roar crossed the hills dotted with cherry trees and the sky began to break. Thousands of luminescent fragments broke away from the celestial vault, falling to the ground in a shower of incandescent splinters. Now the sky is a messy mosaic, the scientists observe with dismay what has happened. The shards are collected among the blossoming orchards.
By hearsay it tells of the clumsy presumption of the human being to be able to shape the skies and meteorological phenomena. The dystopian scenario of a broken sky reveals the real contradictions of anthropocentric thought.
Even today, to prevent large-scale fruit crops from being damaged by storms, people boast about using anti-hail cannons that claim to destroy the agglomerates of cold air that cause hail to fall. However, careful studies certainly deny their real function, thus making such objects useless installations that impact the ecosystem that hosts them, both from the point of view of the visual landscape and the acoustic landscape. The title puts hearing in the foreground, and brings with it the idea that the use of such devices is not based on real knowledge, but rather takes advantage of collective beliefs, in turn fueled by the market needs for industrial agricultural production.
Technique: majolica, refractory ceramic, porcelain, oxides, bluetooth speaker. Unique piece.