
category Sculpture
subject Human figure, Abstract
tags #crepax, #crepaxtribute, #comics, #italiancomics, #portrait, #valentina, #sculpture
base 18 cm
height 151 cm
depth 35 cm
year 2022
Valentina is a Guido Grepax's imaginary character capable of embodying the collective imagination of the Sixties, a female icon who manages to embody the values, the thrills of independence and emancipation of feminist inspiration which she continues to disseminate in our times.

“Valentina” is made up by minimal elements and t looks like a spindle: a structure in fir wood and polyurethane foam developed vertically on various levels and composition levels. The base is a pedestal, that is the cast of a polyurethane trunk surmounted by an amorphous spheroid: an inverted capital. The height is a linear bust headed by a black wig precisely to praise Valentina's iconic and indistinguishable black bob.

The skeleton of the wooden structure is a choice aimed for lightening the shape and favoring and the verticality of the sculpture.
The foam has a conceptual connotation as it is a didactic reference to the comic clouds that in grammatical comics contain the thoughts or the unexpressed words of a character.
Roberta Passaro
Artist, Naples
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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