D come Domani, D come Dito

D come Domani, D come Dito
D come Domani, D come Dito
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Nature, Abstract
tags cambiamento climatico, ambiente, futuro, climatechange, future, pop
base 100 cm
height 100 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2023
Acrylic on canvas
Unique work

Chance generates art, and art generates chance
The relationship between chance and art has been a debated topic in the artistic world for a long time. Many artists used the element of chance as part of the creative process, leading to surprising and unexpected results, and enabling the creation of unique and original works.
Let’s consider Jackson Pollock’s dripping technique, which gives way to unpredictability creating magnificent artistic expression.
But what if chance was the determining factor of a painting’s subject, rather than the casualty of the painting action? What would happen then?
Can art be generated by chance? And if so, can art, in turn, generate chance in return?
These are the questions that launched my new project, which involves the creations of paintings based on a random element, or rather, two random elements.
The idea is to use social media to collect words, based on the initial letter I propose.
Through a random drawing, I select two among those words, they will determinate the creation of the artwork not before having analyzed, studied and processed these terms, in order to become something that makes sense.
So, in this case, the draw of two words which have been gifted me, effectively generates art but, on the contrary, art does not generate chance because each piece beholds its own message, its own story and reason, which implies a process of thought and selection.

D come Domani, D come Dito
Chance generates art, and art generates chance.
Tomorrow and Finger the two words drawn for the fourth painting.
Tomorrow can only be ours if we move quickly, doing something that can, for us and for those to come, change the road we are on.
An ancient Maasai saying goes: We did not inherit the world from our fathers, but we borrowed it from our children and we must return it to them better than we found it.
Unfortunately, the opposite is being done, and instead of making it better, we are generating a disaster that will not lead to the destruction of the planet, but to the extinction of the human race. Despite the attention of many, the usual economic and political interests, the multinationals and the leaders of many states, are failing to reverse the trend. If this continues, the world will live without us, probably better.
A hand with a raised middle finger: this is the message the earth is sending us. It separates what is the beauty of our planet today, a space that is now decidedly small, from an abstract idea representing a future that is no longer ours, made up of patches of colour symbolising floods and fires.
This hand, in my imagination, looks like something out of Soviet propaganda, where the main idea to be conveyed is strongly emphasised, all with extreme simplicity, few colours and clarity, which are precisely the characteristics of that communication. The Soviet poster used symbols to reach the often illiterate masses. With this symbolism, I hope to reach the more educated masses as well.
Guido Adaglio
Painter, Sculptor, Artist, Gravere
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