
Foundations, critics, curators, museums, newspapers, galleries, contests, prizes, academies, books, catalogues, fairs, merchants, communications, auction houses. All these are part of an incredible world that depends on the magical and dedicated workforce of artists. Artists who are rich, poor, well-known, hungry, praised by critics, criticized by their parents who wanted them to work elsewhere, passionate, calculating, artists who couldn’t do anything else or who think it is trendy to be an artist, artists lucky to meet the right person, or unlucky because they never meet the right person, unlucky because they will always be unlucky, geniuses, mediocre ones, ones who will make the Biennal, ones who will give up and do something else. It’s the artists, great and small, who make the art world go round! And we have created a home for them at exibart! Because we thought it was the right thing to do! Because we wanted to!

And we have thought up a prize in their name! exibart.prize

It is not just any old prize.

Because we are not like the rest.

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This is how we make a difference!

This is what makes us exibart!

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ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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