(1) 1 . Performance per movimenti di transizione

(1) 1 . Performance per movimenti di transizione
category Performance
subject Nature, Animal
tags cambiamento, vita, insetti, metamorfosi
minutes 8
seconds 0
year 2021
The performative action lasts about 8 minutes and is accompanied by a soundtrack, created in collaboration with the band Le Piccole Morti, that wants to evoke the sacredness of the process of mutation of bodies.

(1) 1 - performance for transitional movements talks about the change of state and the form that contains in power the future one. The one, that is the still enclosed body ready to come out of itself, and a little further on, the new one.

The movements of the action are diverse and feature live insects in some of the major stages of mutation. A big white larva, a beetle, a dry leaf insect: with delicate gestures we follow their bodies moving and telling an indefinite and poetic story about metamorphosis and its inaccessible and subterranean mystery.
Alice Padovani
Artist, Modena
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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