12 August 2022, 11.50 (v.18 detail 1)

12 August 2022, 11.50 (v.18 detail 1)
12 August 2022, 11.50 (v.18 detail 1)
category Photography
subject Abstract, Nature
tags cielo, nuvole, astratto, concettuale, sky, clouds, abstract, conceptual
base 150 cm
height 100 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2022
Clouds are a subject that has always fascinated me. They are something that constantly changes, reminding us of the continuous evolution of reality, in which nothing is immobile. Today has already become yesterday and tomorrow is now today, and everything is in ongoing transformation, continuous change.
Clouds are something that has no shape of their own, but change moment by moment, in ways that are always different and unrepeatable. They are light and elusive. They cannot be grasped, they cannot be touched, and they remain something indefinite.
Giorgio Gerardi
Digital artist, Venice
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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