2096 volte

2096 volte
2096 volte
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Nature
base 450 cm
height 250 cm
depth 8 cm
year 2022
This project aims to reflect on the split that humans have made between anthropological time and geological time during the era called the Anthropocene (in which humanity has become a geological agent, a transformative force blind to itself, a self-destructive vector).
Forgetting the connection we have as a species with nature and the time connected to it has contributed to the advance of climate change.
Chakrabarty argues that the climate crisis is a wicked problem, that is, one of those problems that we are able to diagnose but not to solve once and for all and rationally, because human-induced changes challenge our coordinates of historical understanding, breaking down the walls of separation between natural and human history. It therefore forces us to think simultaneously on multiple time scales.
I have collected abandoned alcohol bottles on the streets, often the result of a paralysis of human thought in the name of an instant of temporal suspension. I shattered them by experiencing what is the path of rupture as reiteration. Trying to concretize the drama of human dragging.

The 'Work structured on multiple levels and substrates has the will to take a 3d photograph of a condition in which nothing is happening, is paralyzed.
So I filled these windows, aquariums, mirrors of the world.
I created an interrupted path, a succession of filling in which the viewer looking into the one void makes a choice.
Materials: recycled interior glass and glazing, aluminum and black silicone
Nadia Vallino
Performer, Sculptor, Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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