3 Women

3 Women
3 Women
category Installation
subject Human figure
tags #women
base 500 cm
height 160 cm
depth 50 cm
year 2017
In this work, the spectator is placed in front of three mysterious forms, wrapped in a dark shiny blue velvet veil.
The figures turn away from the viewer; silent, like they were constrained into a sort of punishment, with their faces resting on a mirror whose golden frame is symmetrically placed on their heads, like a crown.
Immediately we begin to imagine an halo, which radiates all around the sacred light of the divine, brand new Three Maries gathered in prayer under the cross of Jesus.
Or perhaps the Three Graces might be hidden under the veil, this time however dressed in mourning, now unable to dispense joy and prosperity; maybe they are just three strangers, standing in front of the Wailing Wall.
All figures must conceal their own expression, making them even more intriguing and full of mystery. Yet, reflecting on these faces, on such shapes and positions, the spectator cannot but think of the condition of Women around the world, during all ages; the work therefore places the observer on a journey away from time and space, breaking every preconceived barrier.
Forced by a society that too often has seen her on the fringe, the Woman turns her back on those who humbled and punished her; nevertheless, no one will ever be able to break her dignity, her own beauty.
We wonder about the nature and the innate force of Woman at every latitude, who has never stopped fighting to claim not a position of predominance, but a mere right to exist.
And even if we can witness daily achievements in defense of Women who are sold, abused, mistreated, killed, the war is, unfortunately, still far from being won and passed.

- Velvet fabric, embroidered with golden lace
- Mirrors with wooden frame
- Plastic mannequin
Gianfranco Basso
Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
similar works
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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