32 Metri Quadri di Mare (Mediterraneo)

32 Metri Quadri di Mare (Mediterraneo)
32 Metri Quadri di Mare (Mediterraneo)
category Installation
subject Political / Social
tags sangue, mediterraneo, migrazione, pascali, mare, europa, confini
base 600 cm
height 12 cm
depth 700 cm
year 2021
27 inox steel tanks with red dye and water

Recipient of the Ministry of Culture "Cantica 21" award, the project is inspired by 32 Square Meters of Mare Circa (1967) by Pino Pascali and reflects on the impossibility, nowadays, of imagining and representing the Mediterranean Sea without considering the tragic migration crisis. Appropriating the title and format of Pascali’s work with some variations, the work consists of 27 square steel tanks - as many as the EU member countries – containing coloured water with different concentrations of red pigment. Aniline, the blue dye used by Pascali to colour the water, spontaneously oxidizes over time, turning dark red. This side effect of the chemical is the pretext to reflect on how we, contemporary Europeans, imagine our Sea, and on whether it is possible to detach the thought of it from that of the many lost migrants.

Nicola Guastamacchia
Artist, Bari
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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