Ad vitam reditus

Ad vitam reditus
Ad vitam reditus
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Landscape, Nature
tags mondo, planisfero, germogli, installazione, natura, nutrire il pianeta, video installazione, rinascita, ad vitam reditus
base 70 cm
height 50 cm
depth 30 cm
year 2015
The work entitled Ad Vitam Reditus consists of an environmental video installation that presents the vision and physical manifestation of a teeming and growing world.
The salient feature is that of hope. The imagined and almost dreamed world is presented as a growing living body, made of seeds that germinate, grow, thrive almost to reinvent its own contours and violate boundaries, fictitious and forced distances.
However, the spontaneous and strong growth of the shoots and the vision of the video also have the ability to generate a sense of alarm. The growth and spread of greenery is reminiscent of the many maps that in recent months have visually documented data and statistics on the worldwide spread of covid19. In some ways the green of the shoots is a green that also implies a decrease in man or at least of its environmental impact on the ecosystem in which he is inserted.
A vision of hope that does not leave out, however, the many critical issues and ambiguities that in recent years the planet and our way of experiencing it are going through.
The work consists of two independent but closely connected parts: a physical part, consisting of a "living" planisphere that consists of seeds and shoots that grow in real time, partly escaping the control of the artist, and a video project that shows the growth and expansion of plants from the seed stage to complete maturity.
The size of the work may vary depending on the exhibition space.
The one presented in the photos is an installation idea that includes a metal box of size 50x70cm with brass foil finish, but the planisphere can be enlarged and installed directly on the flooring of the exhibition space so as to fully integrate with the surrounding environment.

technique: plastic base, seeds and shoots, video projection
Kate Varrey
Graphic artist, Digital artist, Painter, Sculptor, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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