AI Generated – Stamps (Series)

AI Generated – Stamps (Series)
AI Generated – Stamps (Series)
category Digital art
subject Political / Social, Beauty, Abstract
base 30 cm
height 30 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2021
Digital images, NFT edition of 3 copies
Print: Digigraphie Very High Resolution on metallic paper 30x30 cm

Stamps is a series of digital works generated by an intelligent algorithm trained on a dataset of hundreds of stamps from all nationalities and historical epochs. The algorithm is able to generate new and original stamps, using the visual features of the selected stamps for training. The results highlight the difference between the various characteristics of images: while the border of stamps is very well defined, the figures represented within are abstract objects. However, they are characterized by very recognizable and evocative graphic styles.

AI Generated is a series of digital artworks generated following the automatic learning of algorithms based on artificial intelligence. The results show patterns, shapes, colors and styles identified by the algorithm in selected works of art used for training the machine. These experiments aim to study and highlight features of image that emerge uniquely through visual processes. The aim is to investigate concepts such as style, sign, form, color and other attributes of art that are beyond meaning or semantics but that affect it in many ways often unseen and unexpected.
Roberto Beragnoli
Artist, Pistoia
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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