Ailanto giallo

Ailanto giallo
Ailanto giallo
category Painting
subject Nature, Landscape, Political / Social
tags ailanto, ecoprint, lino, stampa naturale, artoteca, porto museo tricase
base 55 cm
height 85 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
Francesco Fossati and Family, Ailanto Giallo, 2020, ecoprint on linen and reused wooden stretcher, 55 x 85 cm, courtesy Porto Museum of Tricase
During a residence period at the Porto Museo di Tricase (Puglia, Italy) together with my family we created an eco-sustainable picture lending library for the local community. We used only the local vegetation to make ecoprints on organic cotton and linen canvases mounted on reused wooden stretchers.
Francesco Fossati
Painter, Lissone
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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