All around you (Trittico)

All around you (Trittico)
All around you (Trittico)
category Painting
subject Abstract
tags lettering, alphabet, painting, newpop, contemporary
base 240 cm
height 100 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2006
The letter as the starting point of an invisible communication, impalpable but that still exists, is between us, in every day of our lives, is the materialization of an abstract concept. Letters are part of our life, we produce and reproduce them, they touch us passing by, they are all around, in the air, we exchange them with others, we use them at every moment of the day, just like our beloved appliances.
Letters are therefore no longer an abstract concept, they come to life, they become an organism that becomes part of our existence; they become food for the mind. They can be stored and taken out at the right time (refrigerator), or they can be reworked and cooked (toaster) for a more decided and conscious flavor, or you could take a handful and mix them (blender) to obtain interesting multilingual and multicultural smoothies. The graphic essentiality is chosen to represent not the object as such, but its idealization, to graphically combine a real object well present in the mind and homes of all with letters, words and communication, equally present, but less tangible.
Enzo Cref
Graphic artist, Painter, Artist, Naples
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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