alla necessità di fermare il tempo al desiderio che tutto scorra

alla necessità di fermare il tempo al desiderio che tutto scorra
alla necessità di fermare il tempo al desiderio che tutto scorra
category Photography
subject Nature, Landscape
base 0 cm
height 0 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2021
Digital photographs.

The two photographs are of a trip made to Croatia in August 2020. The images represent two phases of the pandemic due to the coronavirus.

The first photo depicts a chair worn out by atmospheric agents surrounded by a torrid landscape. The invitation is to stop and observe what has deteriorated. The purpose is to highlight the climate crisis caused by a set of human choices. This corresponds to the need to stop the time, perception lived during the first phase of the pandemic.

The second photo shows a detail of a waterfall. The flow of water modifies the rock by dragging what it encounters on the rocky surface. The image represents the desire that everything flows, which characterizes the second phase of the pandemic.

The photographs want to make people reflect on the need to implement a change because every choice made today has consequences in the future.
Marlène Bronzieri
Artist, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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