category Installation
subject Abstract
tags astratto , vernice, vernicenera, bombolettespry, stencil, rete, juta, reteinjuta, natura, texture, foglio, carta, interpretazione
base 300 cm
height 110 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2019
Semi stencils on a 300x110 cm sheet of paper, the procedure was to manually widen a jute mesh with a wide weft and form holes, voids, which I then used in stencil ways on a sheet, creating this almost three-dimensional texture, seen from a close distance you can see texture effects and particular apparent three-dimensionality.In this work I have developed my interest in experimenting with materials and devices that are different from those I usually use, unhinging classic materials, I have used materials that do not allow a complete prediction of the final result, creating a distance between what is expected and what is reached. I focused on simple materials such as food and textile fibers. My works are directly related to the multiplicity of human vision and interpretation, in these works there is not a single vision but a multiplicity and reworking of the observer.
Arianna Maria Leva
Painter, Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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