Appearance enchants

Appearance enchants
Appearance enchants
category Photography
subject Nature
tags #natura, #contaminazione, #PFAS
base 190 cm
height 40 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2022
Appearance enchants

On our Planet, chemistry contributes to the needs of the human kind: we live and survive basically thanks to chemical reactions.

However, not all chemical reactions are “good”; some of them hurt.
Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed: when does the transformation become dangerous?

Nothing is created from nothing, nor is it destroyed in nothing.

The dose makes the poison. Any substance, even the least dangerous, can be a problem if it remains in the environment for a long time, or if it is produced in large quantities.

What happens if the chemical reactions alter the composition of matter, contaminating and altering the overall vision?
Is Nature always welcoming and benevolent?
The contaminating atoms are invisible, they hide themselves in the lush vegetation, or among the white, fine grains of sand.

What we see - the landscape - is an illusion.
Good from far, but far from good.
We interpret the world and look at reality following our desires, and get enchanted by its appearance.
Appearance enchants.

What we see - the landscape - is an illusion.
Good from far, but far from good.
We interpret the world and look at reality following our desires, and get enchanted by its appearance.
Appearance enchants.

These images are shots of landscapes in the RED ZONE in Veneto. These areas are contaminated by chemical substances, also called "forever chemicals" because they do not easily degrade in the environment, and are present in many industrial products, including firefighting foams, paints, and fabric care products. Due to their persistence in the environment, in red zones, the concentration of these chemical substances is very high, due to the discharges from industries that have produced and used these products.
Due to their persistence in the environment, red zones are areas where the concentration of these chemical substances is very high, due to the discharges from industries that have produced and used these products.
The images of natural landscapes may seem idyllic, with breathtaking panoramic views of unspoiled nature, but they actually conceal serious environmental and social problems. PFAS chemicals have been associated with a range of health problems, including cancer, liver damage, hormonal disorders, and developmental problems in children and infants. Additionally, these chemical substances can persist in the environment for decades, contaminating water resources and soil.

Chiara Cunzolo
Photographer, Livorno
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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