
category Other
subject Abstract
tags il Tempo_Spazio Finito ma Infinito , Crea_R_Evoluto da un apPunto
base 50 cm
height 50 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2022
Title of the Work: apPunti_00_The_Point / measures 50x50 cm / year 1986_2022
Technique "Creation_R_Evolution": Drawing_Wood_ Painting.

Opera concept:
In a day without a Time I began to search Outside, in the Infinite but Finite Space ...
and I understood that in that place, I could only find my Solitude…
Outside there was only my Origin, an Infinite Finite, a Peaceful Everything and Nothing…

I understood that the "Power" was certainly not that...
So I searched Within my Finite Infinite without a Time...
and I obtained the logarithmic Points, which became the Threads of my Renewed becoming...

“I could” finally live myself in a Time…
Time_Space Finite but Infinite …
I was free from myself … I had Create_R_Evolved from a note ...

Adele Arati artist
Adele Arati artiStà
Artist, Parma
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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