
category Sculpture
subject Human figure
tags ossa, design, umano, articolazione, human, articulation, bones
base 40 cm
height 40 cm
depth 40 cm
year 2019
We have played to make of the sculptures using as dice of the lego our pieces of design: what can be functional is not said that you have to use, and what is beautiful to look is not said that you can not use.
The Articolari project develops the idea of creating synthetic forms that tie artistic sculpture to the pure and linear object of daily use.
A work that plays between Design and Sculpture, between utility and visual pleasure.
Characterized by the absence of decoration and color and appears gray as if they were a raw piece to address the
spectator directly to the concept that inspired it.
The installation of the piece is also composed of a medical plate RX on which appear superimposed the human articulations from which we started with the lines of the project, caption of the concept.
The sculptures, hip, wrist and elbow, consist in the joint and joints of the figures with each other.
Through the grafting of the objects, which dig and extrude their negatives by drawing their own space on the surface of each other, the pieces firmly fit together forming a unitary sculpture given by the continuum of lines of force, of solids and voids.
However, each part is accomplished in itself and can be separated from the rest.
- Made of San Sepolcro clay, engobe, medical plates in laser printed plexiglas.
mCLp studio
Sculptor, Albisola Superiore
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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