
category Sculpture
subject Abstract
tags Cinetico, Sfera
base 35 cm
height 25 cm
depth 25 cm
year 2023
Record player, polystirene and iron.
Atomium can be started via a small switch which sets the turntable platter in motion and therefore the iron and polystyrene element above it. The movement changes its nature: like a hypothetical genesis of matter, the central parallelepiped becomes a point where energy gradually concentrates, with the disturbing feedback of the turntable that alludes to the sounds of the cosmos.
The main aesthetic references for the structure come from the Atomium, the national symbol of Belgium since 1958, and the plasma lamp developed by Bill Parker in 1971.
Maurizio Pirone
Sculptor, Artist, Turin
Profile Photo
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ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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