Aurora di Velva, aspettando la sera e la notte a Velva

Aurora di Velva, aspettando la sera e la notte a Velva
Aurora di Velva, aspettando la sera e  la notte a Velva
category Installation
subject Nature
base 120 cm
height 30 cm
depth 20 cm
year 2022
Aurora di Velva, waiting for the evening and the night in Velva" is an installation composed of three elements, light box,
representing the ridge and the landscape of Val Petronio at different times of the day and night, seen from the Liguria town of Velva (fraction of Castiglione Chiavarese)is a light box representing the ridge and landscape of Val Petronio. The design is given by the light that is projected on the inlaid and overlapping slabs of different colors and by the slabs themselves, thus creating an extraordinary effect. The ridge of this valley, in this particular stretch, is the subject of exchanges of opinions between the inhabitants of Velva and Castiglione Chiavarese: some glimpse the face of Garibaldi, others the profile and body of a woman... Inlay of overlapping perspex sheets, LED light, wood.
Fiammetta Bellati
Sculptor, Artist, Genoa
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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