category Installation
subject Abstract
tags poesia visiva, poeti visivi, dada, fluxus, irma blank, Emilio isgrò
base 61 cm
height 61 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2023
My Minimal Biographies are an attempt to bring out moods, thoughts, doubts and discontents in an attempt to distance them in order to understand them; in order to block the corrosive action for which I feel they are responsible towards my self.
I recognize myself in various passages of the DaDa movement and this is why I find myself giving this semantic form to my project, partly to desecrate and partly to lighten and distance concepts for which "there is little to laugh about".
The technological revolution and the IOT, the advent of digital, the decline of politics, the excessive power of social mechanisms, the prevailing nihilism are just some of the topics from which I draw the reflections that lead to my Minimal Biographies.
Panel with internal lighting system, plasma engraved steel plate, LED, single piece
Marco Ceraglia
Artist, Sassari
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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