Gran Palazzo delle Apparenze

Gran Palazzo delle Apparenze
Gran Palazzo delle Apparenze
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Architecture
tags Papa Francesco, ritratti, bianco e nero, personaggi, olio su tela, figure, botticella, Mattarella
base 255 cm
height 150 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2021
A pictorial newscast, a schedule, a collage of dissimilar visual fragments, the result of a casual search carried out online.
The architecture of a typical Italian palace, with references to friezes and talamons of the Lecce baroque, in whose courtyard you can glimpse a glimpse of the Palazzo dello Spagnolo in Naples, is the scenography, the container of the stories that unfold on the canvas.
There is an ancient Gorizia café, there is the San Calisto bar in Rome, the arrival of President Mattarella with his escort, the Lancia Flaminia, the carabinieri, the diver in a carriage. There is the professor from Matera, the one who looked out from the balcony in déshabillé during a political meeting of big leaders. There is Pope Francis, in the center, promptly immortalized by a video maker. There are windows inside which you can glimpse the Taliban, a ballroom from the seventies, a Covid hospital room; therefore, balconies where you dance the tango or pose. News events, real, social and political life, customs, all in the same context, a large palace, full of appearances and apparitions.
Oil painting on canvas
Gianluca Cavallo
Painter, Bogotá
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exibart prize N4
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