Burnt it down

Burnt it down
Burnt it down
category Painting
subject Nude, Human figure
base 80 cm
height 120 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2018
Acrylics on canvas
Unique artwork
A bonfire to burn everything and start all over.Carmine, orange and flashes of yellow set the background on fire. A female figure, against the light, moves away, leaving everything behind. The body is naked, stripped of mental clothing too as a symbol of a revolution, or rather a personal evolution: she is finally able to free herself from social superstructures, from layered conventions to bring only the virtue of self-awarness into rebirth. The marked essentiality of the figure is capable of transmitting the subtle motions of the soul through the figurative language, also by virtue of the particular pictorial technique in which the body is an integral part as an active tool: covered by colors, it moves on the canvas leaving unique and imperfect traces.
Laura Amato
Painter, Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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