
category Other
subject Abstract
base 200 cm
height 200 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2018
Korean papers Korean, self-made vegetable colours, oxides

Transformation, dissolution, haphazardness, remains.
Some oriental paper sheets display traces, spots, dripped colors extracted from vegetable roots and peels on their surface. The colors are handmade.
The paper, which is a living and sensitive material, can record every gesture of the hands and the body.
The handmade Hanji and Kozo fiber sheets of paper, ranging from deep purple (dark shade) to ocher (light shade), to brown, are worked through immersions and drips of pigments, using conscious gestures as well casualties.
Some transformation processes, such as contacts with oxides or other substances, modify the original colors that from liquid become of matter, from light become dark and conversely, changing their consistence at the same time.
After the drying process, the image appears, what remains, bringing along the remainders of actions, synergies, complicities, contacts, alchemies.
This process of definition of the image is like what happens in the cosmic developments where nebulas, stars, galaxies show up from the remainders of collusions and explosions of dark matter. Or it is also like the formation of rocks in which ancient sediments show the evolution and the alternation of the various phases of degradation, erosion, and sedimentation.
Gianna Parisse
Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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