
category Installation
subject Human figure, Abstract
tags art, cenacolo, installazione, leduc
base 180 cm
height 180 cm
depth 5 cm
year 1994
I rediscovered first the powerful and
vital pigment of iconographic memories
and then the pictorial mark. My
curiosity was heightened by an unusual
correspondence between historical
reminiscences and a physical practise
of style with his mark being always very
powerful, dark, almost self-aware. What
a pleasure it was for me to discover,
applied to art and non-conscious in
theory, the versatility of the image
associated with the generalizing ability
of intelligence. Whether complete or
incomplete, sketched or apparently
charged with another meaning, a
pictorial mark can induce the observer
to refer to other information. While not
“actually” appearing in the background
this information, however, does exist
in the cognitive experience because it
is the patrimony of memory and of the
knowledge of the phenomenalist world.
letter to pierre-yves:
“do you remember… (excerpt)
laura lieto, 1994

13 oil-on-canvas
Pierre-Yves Le Duc
Painter, Artist, Naples
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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