Cercare Cercarsi

Cercare Cercarsi
category Video
subject Human figure, Nature
tags Poesia, Video, Monologo, Natura, Doppio
minutes 3
seconds 23
year 2019
The video Cercare Cercarsi, is inspired by a famous poem by the poet Gabriele Dannunzio, here reinterpreted through moving images and an original text.
In particular it is a call and an echo to the mysterious delicate and changing feminine universe and to its feeling. It’s narrates, through the use of loose verses, the search for the essence of the changing nature of a woman, who immerses herself in a tight monologue, with the nature that surrounds her. Beyond the screen, the viewer is evoked and consequently included as a counterpart, never neutral at all. As in a game of mirrors, perhaps the illusion the poet talks about is that of being able to reach and grasp the essence of the divine in the human, love and beauty in nature, eternity in life.
Photographer, Performer, Video artist, Artist, Chioggia
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exibart prize N4
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