Clear as water [Chiaro come l’acqua]

Clear as water [Chiaro come l’acqua]
Clear as water [Chiaro come l’acqua]
category Other
subject Political / Social
base 80 cm
height 120 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2022
Set of 6 velvet banners in different colours
embroidered by hand with silk wire, 6 rounded
iron bars, 12 golden knobs
Each: 80 x 120 cm ca.

In the past, Morocco has expressed its interest in joining the European Union and has proven to be a reliable ally for international antimigratory action. This resulted in the country’s “advanced status” in the EU proximity policies. To date, however, the African country has not been able to meet welfare and financial standards required to join the Union; andm at the level of European governance, there is still a strong resistance to understand Europe beyond established geographical and institutional borders.

Produced on the occasion of “Mare Magnum Nostrum” residency held from August to October 2022 at Fondazione Ducci, Fez, Marocco, “Clear as water” addresses the inevitable collision of Mediterranean cultures and, in particular, of European and North-African ones. Read from left to right (following the western direction of reading), the set of banners suggests the transformation of the Moroccan flag into that of the European Union. Read opposite wise (like Arabic), the set suggests instead the gradual transformation of the European flag into the Moroccan one. The work, whose shiny materials somehow suggest the translucency of water, hypothesizes different states of political hybridization of cultures and identities still as proximate as distant. The flag, symbol of national identity and sovereignty, is here reimagined and questioned. The work was realized in Fez with seamstress Fatima Zahra El Idrissi and artisan Ghazi Filali Driss.
Nicola Guastamacchia
Artist, Bari
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exibart prize N4
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