Clero medico

Clero medico
Clero medico
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Human figure
tags tecnocrazia, demagogia, normazione, condizionamento, pandemia, medicina, scienza
base 70 cm
height 60 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2020
Medical Clergy
oil of canvas
Our modern society promotes informal behaviours; however they often mask a hidden will to flatter and deceive, soothing the numb consciences of those who have already waived from exercising their critical faculties.
The individual holding the other person's head in his hands may in fact be a doctor during an ordinary health-care activity, but metaphorically the allusion is to anyone in condition or willing to manipulate other people's thoughts, ideas, by imposing their own vision of the world. A gesture hiding a subtle intrusion into the consciences of those who rely on the proponents of predominant thinking sometimes naively, sometimes because they lack the tools allowing them to develop an independent approach to reality, or simply to defend their positions from external influences,.
The two subjects, almost chained to each other, become a unique entity expressing the difficulty, if not the impossibility, of maintaining actual independence of judgment in our media society. This is emphasized by the two figures appearing in the frame on the left, a phantasmatic double of the human subjects, which are key to explicitly understand what is depicted in realistic terms.
The painting is a reinterpretation of the propaganda images spread by the Khomeini regime.
arvin golrokh
Painter, Tehran
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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