Come acque versate

Come acque versate
Come acque versate
category Installation
subject Beauty
tags #fabric #
base 300 cm
height 70 cm
depth 200 cm
year 2021
Like poured waters
It is a large installation, 2 meters by 3 and 70 cm deep. The walls are made up of 10 canvases measuring 70 x 100 cm, produced with the help of the technicians and machinery of the "Dino Zoli group".
For the decoration the artist designed a texture, a composite design that recalls water tanks, hammans. The compositional structure is conceived as the juxtaposition of mismatched tiles, whose subjects and decorations evoke azulejos, Flemish ceramics, and the tiles of Iranian mosques. The doily is present, as a binder of a demode intention, already revisited by the artist to create her Weaving Spiders which accompanied her through various stages, from the institutional anthological exhibition at the Gam in Genoa to the Macro in Rome.
In these Tales we read iconographic travel notes and the intention to compose an inclusive plot of recognizable references, an arabesque of an epistemic identity. The panels, different from each other, will be designed to be recomposed in other locations and ultimately intended to live as stand-alone works. The POOL will contain strips of fabric from manufacturing waste, in an iridescence of colors that recall the shades of the water with the variations generated by the light.
Inside there are strips of fabric with writings, drawn, embroidered like those of the Women of Amatrice, the result of a civic education task like those of the Candiani art high school, painted and delivered accompanied by videos. We mention some of the companies that participated:
Cristina Milani Ambassador of Kindness, Lugano, Ied of Como teacher the famous curator Alessandra Redaelli, The women's house of Amatrice, Candiani art high school of Busto Arsizio teacher Carla Chiappa, Ginga Project (Angolan dance) teacher and promoter Linda Ghiggi,, Middle school Nino Brixio Genoa: teachers Gabriele Lo Nostro, Angela Lago Marsino, Roberto Bianchi, Irene Calzamiglia, Alessandra Navone, Linda Ghiggi, Daniela Orazi, Antonella Botti, Cassandra Pisano, Maria La Banca, Claudia Sfondrini, Cristiana Baracchini, LOY Elementary School - I.C.San Teodoro, Genoa reference teacher Valeria Lauria, wild laboratory of the Praellera protected residence of Cairo M. Sv, laboratory leaders: Gianna Pera, Giuliana Pizzocri, IC Borzoli of Genoa first and second sections B/C/D teacher Roberta Buccellati, Vilaggio SOS of Ostuni. Municipalities participated with the complicity of the mayors such as Tromello, Lonate Pozzolo, Travedona Monate.
We don't have space to list everyone but we can point out that Loredana Galante's work is truly inclusive, attentive to vulnerable groups and eco-sustainability.
Loredana Galante
Artist, Milan
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exibart prize N4
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