Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone
category Video
subject Landscape, Nature, Abstract
tags sincronicity sound, video covid
minutes 6
seconds 21
year 2020
During the 2020 lockdown period for a duration of a few months I recorded images, video and audio capturing everything I could around, inside and outside the house, the impossibility of being able to go out of my border did not determine a limit but rather it enhanced what I had around me, providing me with an aesthetic and psychological stimulus of investigation into small things and this is how a hood of a car with its insects became a source of movement and a small scenario to work on.
The video and audio were processed independently and then through a program I split the frequencies of the sound so that they activated the video which is its two distinct tracks.
This is how a dinner, a drawing appears to a certain sound and another scenario to another, the two videos thus stimulated mix and overlap at a rhythm dictated by the sound that also comes from the same sources.
In my opinion, the result is an enhancement of the little things, the beauty in the fragments that surround us and that we often ignore, at times we perceive a thin line of bewilderment that is inherent in man when he loses his references, his habits to look at things.
Massimiliano Marianni
Graphic artist, Sound designer, Video artist, Bagnacavallo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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