
category Sculpture
subject Beauty, Human figure, Nature
base 27 cm
height 20 cm
depth 13 cm
year 2023
This ceramic is a tribute to the mutual love. A carnal love, a romantic love, a platonic love or some sort of love that might be. Two heads follow each other. There is no beginning, there is no end. When one side ends the other begins. Alone they are incomplete. They are part of a whole. A one bigger than them, bigger than anyone else. The final form is made by two sides being the same.
We need one another, we want one another and we listen each other. A circular dance reminiscent of the unstoppable passing of the seasons. The eternal longing for each other is a constant part of our lives, it's life itself. It exists with us and there is no being without it.This work celebrates the moment when two parts embrace in one perfect and celestial treasure. Touching means dialogue, confrontation, being able to listen and being heard. It inclusivity and welcoming some one else.
We have been through years when the idea of touching and being touched has being violated and mistreated. I wanted to investigate this fragile aspect of life and human beings.
Carmine Bellucci
Painter, Padova
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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